Cornerstone Defense Wins GSA MAS Schedule
GSA MAS Schedule
Prime: Cornerstone Defense LLC
Contract Number: 47QTCA18D00ME
Period of Performance: 09/28/2018 thru 09/27/2023
Contract Administration: Paul Kumpf – 703.691.5104 direct, 703.786.7939 mobile,
Business Development: Patrick Palmer – 703.691.5103 direct, 703.598.6695 mobile,
Cornerstone Defense LLC is a small business prime on GSA MAS Schedule. This is a long-term contract issued by the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to a commercial technology vendor. Award of a Schedule contract signifies that the GSA has determined that the vendor’s pricing is fair and reasonable, and the vendor is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. Purchasing from pre- approved vendors allows agencies to cut through red tape and receive goods and services faster. A vendor doesn’t need to win a GSA Schedule contract in order to do business with U.S. Government agencies but having a Schedule contract can cut down on administrative costs, both for the vendor and for the agency. Federal agencies typically submit requests to three vendors on a Schedule and choose the vendor that offers the best value.